Is that I need a lovely spark?

Chimes away and lights so dark,
Is this the way I should draw the arc,
Wandering lonely in a empty park,
Is that I need a lovely spark?

Trees blush as the breeze make a pass,
Seeing the roses that are best of the mass,
As I leave the gate that’s color of brass
Still many memories I can amass,

Flowers by the Path
Flowers by the Path

My memories keep me back at the park,
Of what I saw in the dark,
Of the chirping birds on their mark,
Waiting in wings just to embark,

Life comes to a standstill,
The breeze makes me feels the chill,
I want to go back and have my fill,
Sit with a book and my quill…

I wonder, is it my lovely spark?

All I need is to shine and sparkle,
Whatever is thrown at me, just buckle,
I don’t need to behave so fickle,
Sit calm and watch the stars twinkle…

A small poem about how to enjoy every moment of your life, lest you miss them and only have memories… btw, its original and written by me 😛

  1. Nishkam says

    hi again!

    this is nice too, but i see problems with flow, the sentences appear sharp and sometimes unrelated, the narrative become fractured.great start,and i say this again you have poetic sense, but rhyming is holding you back! poems dont need to be rhymes! i feel you can do a lot better!


    1. Hemal Shah says

      Thank you very much Nishkam 🙂 critical views always help me do better 🙂

  2. Chintan Shah says


    1. Hemal Shah says

      Thank you dude!! You heard me 🙂 welcome to ma blog

  3. Arti says

    Lovely poem..Very good poet you are 🙂

    1. Hemal Shah says

      Thank you very much Arti.. 🙂

  4. Annie says

    Its very nice hemal

    1. Hemal Shah says

      Thank you very much Annie… 🙂 🙂

  5. Monica says

    claps 🙂 it perfectly rhymed and a gud collection of thoughts 🙂

    1. Hemal Shah says

      Thank you very much Monica 🙂 and welcome to my blog!!

  6. Kripa says

    Good one, Hemal.

    1. Hemal Shah says

      Hey Kripa, thank you very much 🙂

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