World cup’s coming to India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh

Oh boy! lets see who wins then… no doubt that England are fresh from the Ashes bashing and they look pretty hefty this time around. As for Australia, the certainly are not favorites this year.. the reason being that people have got used to them being on top and are tried seeing them. Of course Australian fans are out there and will be yearning that they take this cup too but I dont see any chance for them. Ricky can’t do it again this time around.

Other favorites for sure are India [dil maange kya kare ;)] and South Africa. SA are looking much more a dominant side this year and I will not be surprised if I find them in Finals.

Other teams that may surprise are New Zealand and Zimbabwe. Zims are having a tour of India before the world cup and they are being trained by none other than Brain Lara for batting skills. You can expect them to surprise and more gliding into the super 8’s but no semi I predict.

So the favorites for the finalists are India, England, South Africa… Sri Lanka can too be a part of Semi Finals but I am not sure if they can make it up for Finals. Or we may have a surprise in these too.. I don’t desire another upset for India after their last World Cup debacle so MSD and guys, pull up your socks well this time around.

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