Its Tech Mahindra finally: The Satyam aquirer

Its Tech Mahindra finally: The Satyam aquirer

The Government nominated board of Satyam Computer Services has choosen its acquirer. It is Tech Mahindra.

The future of Satyam now will be Tech Mahindra as they out bid L&T by 9 INR per share. According to what I have read in Times of India website, Tech Mahindra bid for INR 58 while L&T bid for INR 49 per share. B. K. Modi’s spice group did not submit the final bid because of a difference of opinion in the way the auction should have proceded.

With this development, what is assured is that the future of the employees of Satyam Computer Services is now.

Satyam Computer Services: No longer this Logo will be used? I hope not!!!
The new Owners: How long they will be able to drag Satyam

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