Cute boy Black Brew

Eyes are tender, cold and blue,
That’s my boy, you Black Brew,
Crushing a stone, unlike you,
Let’s go, wear your shoe.

Walk by the road, don’t you bark,
Catch your bone, that of a lark,
I tame you, bright and dark,
For each day, you lead me to park.

Why don’t you, run around,
Ever since the day, you were browned,
Break down, the bone of a lark,
Let’s head to the south of town.

You know it, you assure me,
Of how a pack is undone,
The moment you see a better half,
Wag your tail and start long run,

No baby, do not go there,
It may not be from fresh air,
With another breed, no affair,
Shun you, the little teddy bear,

Head for your hut now,
Start your little cute bow-bow,
I am listening, I know it how,
Enough of your chow-chow.

Dedicated to my future dog (if any)*
*Conditions Apply 😉

  1. Charu Peer says

    hey.. cool…

    1. Hemal Shah says

      thank you very much Charu 🙂 🙂

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