Happy National Sports Day India! Let’s celebrate

India celebrate the National Sports Day!

Thanks to all the social media networks, you are not far from being reminded significance of the day. From crazy dates like 17/01/17 to 12/12/12, to important dates of note. One such day is today, the National Sports Day.

To the generation I belong, it is hard to remember Dhyan Chand. The legendary hockey player who made a mark for himself and our country everywhere we went. Hockey, being the national sport of India, has not take off as it should have thanks in part to cricket craze the country is under.

Men’s cricket overshadowed Hockey like the Clegane clan of Game of Thrones. And it makes a lot of money. Women’s Cricket, not so much. So why I am talking of Hockey?

National Sports Day

Our National Sports Day is celebrated on 29th August every year. The date marks significance since it is the birth date of Dhyan Chand. The man, the legend who won Gold in Olympics in the years 1928, 1932, and 1936. Dhyan and his team traveled in hugely uncomfortable 3rd class, to reach Berlin and managed to win the tournament only by conceding 1 goal in the finals.

It does come to be as a surprise that we do not hear much happening on the National Sports Day. The country is not unite in celebrating the sprint of the Game. National Sports Day is hardly celebrated with much elans as some others. It is high time that we treat a game with much celebration as any other.

There are many sports played in India, some of Indian origin like Kabbaddi, Chess and Kho-kho. Kabbadi Pro League has managed to uplift the sport, and Chess had Vishy Anand hold the baton. Kho-kho has been losing its sheen, and so are many other sports.

Get involved, it’s never too late!

A game helps our mind, body and soul in relieving ourselves from the stress of life. And these games also help us to maintain our physical self, moving every muscle in our bodies or the neurons in brain. I know of a person who plays almost every game, and wins most of them. Sometimes, it makes me wonder – what else can someone do. The possibilities are limitless.

Well, India let’s celebrate this great festival of sports!

Feature picture’s icon credits to Freepik at Flaticon.

Dhyan ChandGameNational Sports DaySports
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