Blackberry is not in a mood to put down the fight

I came across this article at GigaOM related to BlackBerry getting down and requesting Developer not to abandon the platform, given that there is a further delay in developing phones with BlackBerry 10 OS. I read the article and it pretty much sums up the feel around BlackBerry beautifully. What I really wanted to share here is this brilliant video message BlackBerry created for its developers.

From a company that is in doldrums and facing the ire of its stakeholders for not keeping up with its competition, mounting losses each quarter and job cuts and losing their developer base to iOS and Android – this was something I never expected.

The last parts, the developers, are key to any mobile operating system in today’s app frenzy world. The above video was created by company’s employees who are putting their heart (and many man hours) out to get BlackBerry back in shape. This for me is an example of best inspiration they could provide to its developers.

Putting down an optimistic outlook for your partners, in such a musical way was probably not thought of before or that I am not aware of. The lyrics themselves are a brilliant use of technological jargons which developers are familiar with and instantly has this emotional connect.

Great work BlackBerry on this one, if not on your phones yet. Kudos!

AndroidBlackBerryBlackBerry 10 OSHandsetInspirationiOSMobile PhoneMusic
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