The New Dawn

I am sure regulars at blog are no longer regular any more, because it’s been ages since I posted my last blog post. Things have been both difficult and challenging for me of late, both personally and professionally. It’s the phase of life and I am happy that it is happening to me. Seriously it was very difficult for me to keep away from blogging and other things were just of higher priority.

To make myself happy, I got myself a little bit of time and a gadget. The Samsung Galaxy Note. It did cost me a bomb though. And my first Android phone. Even after that I am not able to utilize it to blog often, which ideally should have been the case. 

What this last three months have thought me is phenomenal. The learning am going to take through all my life. From being challenged at every step to find out the secret of managing time, sailing through difficult moments, health issues and hospitalization and what not. It been a ride through hell.

I believe this is good in a way, may sound like hell right now and those who are close to me know how it is like. Sometimes I feel it’s a new me! I am today doing things I never wanted to do at first place and feel worth it too. Though I crib about it, but that’s just me 🙂

So it was Independence Day Celebrations at office and I was adjudged as the winner best dressed Male.

PS: Do join me at the IndiBlogger meet at Mumbai at Taj Lands Ends, Bandra.

independence dayPersonal
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  • Charu

    Hey hemal looking smart…Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never, ever have enough….