What’s with the pilots of Air India? They go on strike, refuse to let ex-Indian Airlines pilots to train on 777 Dreamliner, ground staff issues, lack of cost saving measures etc. have plagued the troubled carrier. An INR 30,000 crore infusion of equity from Government of India is by no means a small amount! And before you forget, that is the money we pay in taxes. We slog harder to make more money, only to pay more taxes.

Now the latest in the never-ending saga of turbulence in Air India is another Union, that of ex-Indian Airlines pilots. AI or Air India, has tried to revive itself step by step. This time, it is because of new flying rules for its Airbus fleet (many from its Indian days) which helps in saving fuel.
The airline recently modified its acceleration altitude while taking off for their Airbus fleet. This is a method followed by many of its international competitors of repute. But the Indian Commercial Pilots Association (ICPA) has instructed its members not to follow the new flying rules, citing safety concerns.
Well safety has to be most important of all, but to cry over a proven method is a bit uncalled for. Another thought around this action also calls for pilot’s inability to adapt to newer generation of its planes. Officials recount that if they fly newer generation aircraft in old generation way, what is the point?
Please get the airline back to its glory, anyone?
You can read my other posts related to Air India