It was a much needed break for me to blog about something that I appreciate everyday! Beauty.
Beauty is what? A simple answer to that question is: Everything you feel beautiful is beauty. As oft quoted in conversations, “beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”. Its all how we feel..
During my college, one day I was with a few of my classmates, savoring a hot “vada pav at the tapri” breakfast and saw a couple walking hand in hand. The boy was really handsome, but girl was not so. That’s when I remembered the quote “Agar dil laga gadhi se, toh pari kya cheez hai” (If heart is struck to a donkey, even an angel is nothing)” 😛

We were also taught by two professors who were married to each other, both of them from opposite ends of India, he is a dark dude and she is the snow white.
I am a firm believer of the inner beauty and my friends can vouch for that. It’s a feeling that you can see on the skin and beneath it in humans and animals (or should I include fur for animals? :P) and ever so awesome nature.
There are so many real beauties out there, in the form of a mother, as a wife, as a friend, a role model, a sister, a lover, every relation and emotion we share with many women is so beautiful. My father and mother worked together too hard to bring me and my sister up from total financial breakdown, which speaks volumes of their beautiful relationship with my family.

Dove and Yahoo! brings you all a wonderful platform called as the Real Beauty. It’s one place where I invite every women (yes, including the one who called me being a sexist) on this world to come and share their feelings on this wonderful platform. Those who joined in already have posted so many meaningful blog posts had have sought expert opinions, got inspired with the Women who brought in change in today’s society, soon to be launched Expert Chat et al.
And yes, am making sure my mom and sister too are participating and so will be many (girl)friends of mine 😉
To all those who believe in the inner beauty, here is a small poem. It’s the poem I wrote for my mom, who has been so beautiful to me…
In my heart, I can see,
How much lovely you have been,
I miss your care, and that lovely stare,
To me, how beautiful you have been,
You understand me,
You speak my mind,
You know everything,
And still you be kind,
You feel for the poor,
You care,
You feed them with love,
Happy that you could share,
See those smiles, so beautiful,
Of the kids on the streets you met,
Times you spent with me on beach,
Watching the amazing sunset,
When the rain makes a mess on the streets,
The mighty Sun creates a Rainbow,
Running from a city to another,
To your supernatural force, I take a big bow,
Among the moon and the sun,
The birds and flowers and hue,
I now know what is real beauty,
It is you mom, and what’s within you.
Thank you very much mom, for being the most beautiful person to me.
These thoughts I have put together are true, and I participating in a contest at IndiBlogger, What does real beauty mean to you? If you like my post, please consider voting for me.
Thanks for your comment on my blog, Hemal. I really appreciate your love for your mother. Those were beautiful lines indeed. Btw, why stop your mother or sis from wearing lipstick if they want to? 🙂
@Zephyr thank you very much mam for your comments 🙂
hehe, yep coz i personally dont like they wearing it. I am limiting them from doing it coz I think they look more beautiful without it.
Its a different matter that they rarely do it, leave occasions like a marriage.
My point is why wear it everyday! and without that, i think all women would just look more beautiful, dont you agree? 🙂
sweet and lovely!!!!
Thank you very much Neeraj!
why is it that the moms and the daughters r the most beautiful. beauty is love as u rightly said!
dude, coz Dads and sons are handsome.. 😛 lolz
yep dude, beauty is love…
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Problem Sorted. I had my feed issue with some other application and hence had changed my Feedburner URL. And which I forgot to update within my blog Feedburner Plugin. Thanks a ton Avada for letting me know about this. 🙂
Heart touching lines…. awesome.
Thank you Jayendra for your comments.. its brings in a smile when my work touches hearts of people.. it really means a lot to me as a creative person..
Welcome to my blog 🙂
Every one appreciated the poem, let me acknowledge the poet 😀
As pure as a dove, as promising as a vow
This guy is an essence of love, to which every emotion would bow
His charm is charismatic, his calmness is picturesque
His silence showers thunder, his talks work wonders
His feel would make one surrender.
Possesses the ability to conquer the world
With the confidence in him to confound the odd
Leaves his mark with magic unspoken, untold
Even his command is so pleasing, that every worry seems easing
Carries the strength to handle the mind
Accepts the challenges to keep him over the tide
His presence can make you run miles
But he can make you fall just with his thin smile
Talk to him once, you will feel hes so tough
Be with him for some time, you will feel so above
Walk with him, he can take you in his stride
Be his best, you will feel so proud
So gentle, yet to profound
So quiet, yet so thoughtful
Soothing than the breeze of wind, innocent than the face of a kid
A friend, a best friend, a person to cherish, a feeling to caress
Have him around you and feel the HAppinessssssssssssssssss 🙂
Hey hemal, thats such a sweeet poem.. beautiful indeed… never knew you could pen such beautiful lines.
I am not surprised but am shell shocked with the way you have taken the tunes and rhymes. Truly, HAppinesss… 🙂 thank you for such a sweet poem dear.. I am truly flattered with this dear, dont know and dont have words to say but i loved it 🙂
:)…the poem was nt to potray my skills of rhymes and tunes :P.. jus wanted to give you a sense of urself and ur goodness… be happy with all goodness and happiness you have in life … m glad u liked it 🙂
Yes stupid I know the poem was on me 😉 and was just appreciating your penning..
wow good 1!!!
Hey Geeta, long time no c? 😀
thank you very much for your comments…
Well..true it is that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder…it makes a person look beyond the outer wrappings into the actual gift that’s inside..
all the best for the have a look at my sure you will agree with me 🙂
Thank you very much Rinaya for your lovely comments. I am sure there are so many like minded people out there and blogging gives us a such a great platform to interact with each other.
Welcome to my blog 🙂
Wonderful post!!
Thank you very Vyankatesh 🙂
Amazing…u rite really well…keep bloggin…
Thank you very very much Neha! 🙂 happy to see you here 🙂 🙂 Welcome to my blog!
Unique and truly a thought worth spreading.. Good job..
Thank you very much dude for your thoughts and appreciation!! Welcome to my blog!
Hey Hi,
Very interesting post
Your thoughts mingled with personal narrative give this post an amazing appeal 🙂
Have promoted and Fb liked ur post,
Your fan,
Anukriti 🙂
Hey Anukriti,
Welcome to my blog! Thank you very much for your comments, it inspires me 😀
About Fan, well I dont know if I deserve even one, but thank you very much for being so generous 🙂
well, real beauty dude. 100/100, from my side.
Pramod!! Thank you!!! You made my day dude… thank you very very much…
Awesome thoughts 🙂 ….blessed all of us coz we have a mom…a true blessing!
Thank you Prerna and welcome to my blog.. Yep, we are blessed to have a mom! cheers!!
Poem is really good 🙂 and yes inner beauty is what even I like.. no matter how beautiful a person is, if their nature is not good, then there is no use of it..
Thank you very much Avada 🙂
Yes, that has been my stand.. no matter how beautiful you look, if nature is not good, it really does not matter.. as i quoted, Dil laga gadhi se toh Pari kya cheez hai..
That was a wonderful poem on beauty…. good keep it up… 🙂
Thank you very much Shruti.. 🙂 welcome to my blog 🙂
Exquisite Poem!
Hey Barkha, thank you very much for your comments and welcome to my blog! 🙂
Amazing….That was a wonderful poem 🙂 …good keep it up!!!
Thank you very much Sajila 🙂 welcome to my blog..
Hemal!! its awesome.. i actually luv this and agree to your beautiful lines…
Hey Maccchi!! thank you da.. 🙂 welcome to my blog..
someone who loves his mother can never be sexist. Mothers are the most beautiful creature of God. There is no other beauty which can be compared to hers. Awsomw thoughts dude
Thank you very much dude… welcome to my blog…
But I still wish that you give your heart to “Pari” and not “Gadhi” LOL
My take on beauty is here
Tell me am I beautiful?
lolz dude…
Hi Hemal! Really loved your view of beauty, beautiful one! Mother is always the most beautiful person. And poem is really very sweet, expressing the love for mother so beautifully!
Thank you very much Mohini 🙂 Am sure these words and appreciation will keep me going 😀 Thank you once again..
Very true that mother always is the most beautiful…
I agree to your points.. and definite beauty is your poem.. here is a heart expressing what does true beauty means
Someone is Special
SiS, thank you very much and welcome to my Blog!
thanks for the warm welcome..
Someone is Special
🙂 my pleasure…
That was a wonderful poem on beauty. You must be really talented to be able to rhyme words in your poem. Your mother is lucky! All the best.
Hey Ranjith, welcome to my blog dude! good to see you here…
Thank you very much for your comments dude…
I am not sure I am or dont care whether I am talented but I like my poems to be rhyming. I am more luckier to have her as my mother dude.. 😀 hehe
Nice thoughts on beauty! And so very true too! The poem on Mom is really really beautiful! I loved it 🙂
@Arti thank you very much… my mom loved it too, with her almost-about-to-cry eyes she gave me a peck 😀
Good post!! I loved The poem about your is so good 🙂 Real Beauty!!!
Thank you very much Cindrella and welcome to my blog!
So true hemal, beauty is always whtz within a person..n the way you see in something appeals beauty to you 🙂
needless to say abt ur poem…its so well written with beautiful words…the last four lines are really wonderful…
Hey Annie,
Thank you very much 🙂 I wonder why my last four lines always have the appeal 😛 lolz
Not appeal re its the punch of the last lines…. 😛 lols
I agree that beauty is not superficial, its something thats in your nature. Wonderful ideas on beauty and a great poem as well.
Thank you very much Abhi.. yes, beauty is never superficial, its what within you 🙂
Good one, Hemal. Your poems are really awesome..
Thank you very very much Kripa!! 🙂