Mumbai: A Shame

I was surprised to know that Mumbai did not turned up for voting in full force. Terrorist Strikes, the financial melt downs and other events does not seem to bother an average Mumbaikar.  Infact the voter turnout was less by 3.5% as compared to the pervious General Elections.

Mumbaikars are known to love holidays and the since this is the longest weekend of year, people are tempted to go out for a holiday to the near by hills to cool off the summer. Today 30th was announced by Maha Govt as a holiday. 1st (Maharashtra day), 2 and 3rd are Saturday and Sunday. Some where, the heat has played spoilsport this time since the temperature levels are on a high.

Sikkim is currently the national leader which is at 65.30%. Mumbai Voter turnout for 2009 General Elections was a measly 42% on an average.

The overall voting phase turned out to be 50% for the second phase of Great Indian Elections.

General ElectionsMumbai HeatMumbai Local
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  • Amitabh

    Indeed a shame for Mumbai. And for Bangalore, and for Delhi and for the rest …
    I guess the concept of “power of one” has not sunk in yet. And yet the people who do not vote call themselves educated.
    By the way, by not voting, people are doing exactly what politicians want them to do. Want to know more? Click on my name to see my views.

  • Blog Gore

    For a financial capital… we are the dumps… one minute of any Parliamentary session costs approximately over Rs 26,000. Its our money… tax payer money…On the 30th we all got to know how much Mumbai cares…

    • Hemz

      @blog gore: yeah, it is something people never cares for. they say the Spirit of Mumbai is strong…. actually the spirit is nothing but careless attitude of peole!

  • sm

    shame on india i agree with you.

    • Hemz

      @sm: i could not agree with you more on this. it is really an issue!

  • aahang

    Dear Hemal,

    Do you really think that people should go on vacation when its time to decide that who will govern them for the next 5 years.Will they be secure,will their jobs be there,will there children grow up to be healthy ?

    It is nothing but cheapness on the part of Mumbaikars to have preferred to Holiday when just Months back they were attacked and put to shame on their knees by invaders.Coming on the streets and shouting slogans will not get us anywhere.Voting will.

    I am surprised that you are talking about it so casually – Mumbaikars are known to love holidays.

    And they love to get bombed too when they come back.

    Right ?

    • Hemz

      @aahang: You got me wrong dude… I simply mentioned the possible reasons why turnout has come to 40%. And there is no denying that Mumbaikars love holidays. Even you do, dont you?

      @Mr. Rao: I did not understand what you said…

  • skgrao

    It is Just that Mumbaikers do not need any one to govern them they can rule India if Ratan Tata,Mukesh Ambni,Mahindra,Godrejs,Narayan Murthy,Kiran Muzumdar,Sudha Murthy(to be relocated compulsorily)are allowed to run the country for just 10 years keeping our Great Constitution in Godrej Fridge)and closing the doors of our Parliament Locked saving Billions of Rupees of public money.