Meera Sanyal to contest Elections!

Meera Sanyal, Country Manager at ABN AMRO India (a subsidiary undertaking of Royal Bank of Scotland) announced that she is taking a two months “sabbatical” so that she can contest from South Mumbai. This move is surprising since it is the first time a financial entity’s country manager is gunning for votes.

Meera has an charm and is impressing personality. I remember meeting her once and the very moment I was impressed with the way she carries her personality. I cannot imagine her prospects for elections, since she is going to contest the elections as an Independent and against much successful Milind Deora who is contesting from Congress. She would also have to face Mohan Rawale from Shiv Sena.

The ABN AMRO always had been involved in good will causes such as supporting street children and Meera has personally been involved at many occasions. With this move, the organization sends out a very strong message that apart from letting its employees take on NGO work or support their causes, they now can work for the public, for a Common Man.

With incredible experience working with ABN AMRO (now RBS) since 2000 after leaving ANZ Grindlays, it remains to be seen if Meera can pull the hat out of this elections.

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